This program can be implemented as the following:
- Part of physical education (PE) course-work in schools – for preschool, kindergarten and elementary grades.
- A dedicated 15-20 minute period workout during some break in schools.
- An afterschool activity.
- A fitness activity in the children division of local gyms.
- An activity offered by child-care service providers.
- A workshop for teachers or parents in local communities.
- A physical activity program in recreational facilities such as parks, beaches, and civic centers.
- A course in any youth organizations such as Boy Scouts or YMCA, etc.
- A physical therapy program in children hospitals and rehabilitation centers.
- An instructional kit for use in house-holds.
- A one-time event for health- promotional campaigns such as fund-raisers for socially beneficial programs or non-profit organizations.
- An ongoing series of television shows with live interaction between children-audience and a group of young athlete performers.
- An entertainment TV show for family viewing, with participation of various guests such as popular athletes, movie stars and singers.

Other facilities, Organizations and Centers